Choose Freedom

The Choose Freedom Support Group has been meeting weekly since 1999 and  is an integral part of CAMEO Ministries. This group is a Christ-centered program tailored to meet the needs of those who have been abused. Our mission is accomplished in a 14-week format using the Holy Bible and the Choose Freedom Support Group Workbook designed specifically for partnering with God to heal the wounds of abuse. You may have tried many ways to heal without success. The Tunnel of Healing is a visual of the struggle you may be in and how your struggle may be overcome. The group remains open during the 14 weeks and women are welcome to join at any time. Because prayer is an essential part of the healing process, we have a group of women who commit to pray during our meeting times as well as specific prayer requests for each woman (kept confidential) in the group. Confidentiality is crucial and kept a strict priority. Specific rules are maintained to ensure privacy, safety, and protection.

Choose Freedom Support Group Rules

  1. Strict confidentiality. We share only first names in this group. We are not to tell anyone else who is in the group. You may share what you say during the meeting if you so wish but everything else that is said is to be kept strictly confidential. This is to be a safe place. What is shared here stays here. There will be zero tolerance for any breach in confidentiality.
  2. When someone is talking everyone should be listening – no side conversations.
  3. No alcohol or use of illegal drugs or you will be required to leave the meeting immediately.
  4. Respect is to be given to every woman in the group.
  5. Members are cautioned to share only and not to teach, counsel, or advise each other.
  6. No talking on cell phones during group. Please turn off or mute cell phones.

All rules must be kept to continue in the group.

This group is a safe place of support, unconditional love, and prayer for women who have experienced sexual abuse or abuse of any kind. Healing takes place in relationship; with God and man. In the support group we have all been there and we understand as no one else ever could. We can share and help one another. There is laughter; there are tears; hope is renewed; and healing is given from the One who gave His life for us to be set free indeed.

We have seen God move miraculously in many women’s lives since we began in 1999. We’ve seen women set free from anger, anxiety, depression, fear, panic attacks, relationships, eating disordersaddictions, or where counseling has had little or no effect. Are you living a life of victory? If the answer is no, we invite you to join us for a 14-week journey.

“Like a Cameo, God will carve away the ugly past, revealing the beautiful woman you were always meant to be.” ~Janet Chiefari

You’re Invited…

Please join us for a 14-week journey of healing. We meet Mondays at 6pm at Grace Fellowship. Each group session begins the first Monday after Labor Day in September and the first Monday in February. We meet for two sessions each year; September-January and February-June.

These are open groups and may be joined at any time.

The following locations have also led groups in the past: Hoosick Falls, two in Albany, and Latham. We are always looking for leaders to begin groups in other locations. Contact Us for more information.

For more information, please contact Eileen Kopsaftis at (518) 496-1265.