
Are you frustrated with counseling and/or self-help books with little or no effect?


What ways have you tried to solve your problems? Many abuse victims spend years in counseling and thousands of dollars on doctors and medications. At best all of these may make your abuse issues tolerable but…

Are you cured? Are you healed? When will be your next anxiety attack or your next dive into depression? Will the nightmares stop?

People can lead you just so far. They may be able to tell you “why” but they can’t fix it. People can’t heal you.

Since we can’t cure ourselves, and others can’t fix us, we need to turn to the only One who can heal the broken heart, the hopeless soul, the wounded spirit. Only God has the ability and power to help us overcome the effects of our abuse.

My father sexually abused me from infancy to 9 years of age, and he sold me to other men who involved me in the occult. Somehow I managed to blot that child completely out of my memory, but at the age of 19, I began my journey from social workers to doctors because of my many health problems and inability to deal with life. Counseling and medications didn’t work. When I became totally unable to function, I was sent to a psychiatrist. For the next 3 years we uncovered my past. Then I had some reasons for my problems but I continued to suffer from the consequences. A few years later, I asked Jesus into my heart and became a Christian and my life was changed forever! God gave me love, strength, courage and ability, as he slowly, gently, step by step, led me to complete healing. My past no longer controls my life. God has set me free! – Janet Chiefari

CAMEO Ministries is not here to say that counseling can’t help or to tell you to stop taking your medications. Counseling can give you methods of dealing with problems as they occur. Christian counselors and books written by trusted Christians can lead you to what God has to say, in His Word, about dealing with any issue. Christian counselors will pray with you, and therein lies an important key to healing…


CAMEO Ministries is a prayer and healing ministry. For the women attending the Choose Freedom Support Group there is dedicated intercession (prayer on your behalf). God is sought for every need, before, during, and after every meeting. Wisdom, truth, insight, revelation, and healing are fervently declared and battled for by trusted intercessors. We thank God for the many victories we have witnessed.

While prayer is a vital part of healing there is so much more offered in the Chose Freedom Support Group. We believe that only the group experience can help to wash away many of the abuse issues, such as shame and guilt.

Choose Freedom is a place where women can safely share, maybe for the first time in their lives, the pain they have endured. Everyone has “been there, done that” and they understand as no one else can. There is no condemnation or judgment. No one will see you differently after they hear your story. There is unconditional love, respect, and compassion given as well as ways God has healed others. Through knowledge from God’s Word, experiences shared by the leaders and through the workbooks, members can bring their abuse out into the light of God’s truth. His light dispels the darkness.

Keeping the facts of your abuse hidden in darkness breeds fear, guilt, and shame, which are lies from the pit of hell. This is bondage! You don’t have to remain trapped in the consequences of your abuse. Choose to acknowledge your past and be determined, with God’s Holy Spirit power and unconditional love, to overcome.