Do you feel like giving up, that life is just too hard?
Do you spend hours trying to sleep at night, or just the opposite, never want to get out of bed?|
Are you lonely even in a crowd of friends or relatives?
Does anything make you happy?
Are you crying much too often?
Do you just ache everywhere – mind, soul and body – for no reason?
Depression hurts. It affects every aspect of your life, emotionally and physically.
“I battled cyclic depression all my life. For 20 years I went to secular psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists. They eventually gave me the “why” I was having so many problems trying to deal with life; they gave me methods to cope and they helped at times, but at best they only made things tolerable, not fixed. The waves of depression, panic attacks and fear continued. Then I gave my life to the Lord and I came to realize that only God could stop those waves. My heart had been broken by the sexual abuse of my father and could only be healed by a supernatural work of God. He brought my hurting mind, those deep inner hurts, under His care, love and protection. For the first time I felt safe. I learned what happiness is. I let Jesus hold me and comfort me as He guided me, gently, one step at a time, to healing.
Then I wanted to help others through the same journey. I wrote my testimony, ‘I Don’t Want to Remember‘ by pseudonym Diane Crawford. With Eileen Kopsaftis I began a support group for women who had been sexually abused at Grace Fellowship Church. A few years later we became the Choose Freedom Support Group for women who have been abused. I praise God for allowing me to watch as others are set free from the bondage of abuse.” – Janet Chiefari